Sunday, December 1, 2013

5 months

It's been 5 months since we met.

It is hard to believe how far she has come in 5 short months.

She is such an awesome kid.  She is so full of joy and, given all that she has been through, that amazes me.

I am amazed at the way she has gracefully left one life behind and embraced a new one

I am thankful this Thanksgiving for the gift of adoption in our lives.  Thankful for the way it has completed our family and changed us all.

“I didn’t give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you”

Linking up here this week
Ni Hao Yall


  1. She is so sweet! What a cutie. Look how happy she is! Happy 5 months

  2. Your family and blog have been an inspiration to me. We are just starting the adoption journey and I turn to your blog often for knowledge, encouragement, and the pure joy that God has blessed your family boundlessly. Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. She is darling. Happy 5 months home!

    ~ Carrie

  4. On October 16, 1995, I picked up the phone to inquire about Chinese adoption. On that same day, in Shanghai, my daughter Kaili, was born. In 1999, Kaici, also from Shanghai, joined our family. In 2003, a beautiful little girl was brought to the US from China, but the family was unable to keep her, so Kaidi, miraculously, became part of our family. In the past 18 years, I have been able to voluntarily assist 187 families with their adoptions and realize the joy for the children in finding a Forever Family. Your beautiful daughter is growing each and every day, strengthened by the love of you, your family, and friends. God bless.


  5. Just hopped over to your blog after your comment on mine :) your baby is ADORABLE!!!! (all your kiddos are cute!!). Our girls are the same age! So fun! Wish you were nearby and we could meet in real life and let them play! I'm in Birmingham (not sure where you are) but if you are ever passing through let me know! Congrats on making it to 5 months! It'll get sweeter by the day! ~Rushton

  6. I can't believe it is 5 months all ready! She is such a cutie!

  7. The quote at the bottom of your post is perfect!!!

    Your daughter is absolutely adorable - happy 5 months of forever!

    Blessings, Ashley

  8. These are precious! What a difference love can make!!! Happy 5 months!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I follow your blog regularly and look forward to each post. We are working with a great agency out of Colorado and are adopting off the China Wait List. Our paperwork trail follows yours very similarly, with a LID of Oct. 23. We hope to bring our baby girl home this year, and can only pray we are as blessed in our journey as your family. Congrats and many blessings!
